Townsend Public Library
The Townsend Public Library Seed Library is a hands-on educational resource dedicated to increasing awareness of the benefits of gardening and seed saving, as well as nurturing Townsend’s community of gardeners through education and resources that foster environmental resilience, sustainability, and a culture of sharing and stewardship.
A seed library is an organized collection of seeds from which users may “check out” small amounts to take home and plant. Seed libraries usually involve growing the plants and harvesting the seeds to return to the library. While we hope to reach that level someday, right now we are focusing on giving out seeds more than collecting them.
Our seed library is an honor system. Please take only what you will use. If you only need a small number of seeds, you may use an envelope to take what you need from a packet. Don’t forget to label your envelope, and snap a pic of the packet instructions for quick reference. If you take a packet and only use some seeds, you can return the unused portion (preferably in the original packaging) or pass it on to a friend or family member.
You do not need to “check out” seeds with your library card, but we do ask that you make a note (in the Seed Library binder) of the type and quantity of seeds you take so that we can keep track of what is most popular, and how many people are using the seed library.
Nope! We appreciate and accept donations, but learning to save seeds can be tricky at first. There is no requirement or obligation to return leftover seeds or those of the next generation from your plants that have gone to seed. Bringing in your leftover or saved seeds helps us maintain the collection for future users. Only non-invasive seeds will be added to the collection.
If you have extra seeds, either purchased or saved, that you would like to share, please bring them in! Seeds should be dry and ready for planting, and can be submitted in a sealed envelope, plastic baggie, or other sealed container. Label anything that is not in its original packaging. Give as much detail as possible, such as:
We are working on an inventory list, but in the meantime, if you are looking for a certain kind of seed, check out our “Seed Seekers & Swappers” list (located in a binder on top of the seed library). This is where you can request seeds, and where you can offer seeds to give or swap. Seed selling is regulated by the USDA and is not allowed.
Do you have more questions?
Please email Molly or call 978-597-1714